ISOTAP:RCF Free type

RCF Free Tapping

ISOTAP:RCF Free type

ISOTAP is heat insulating castable consisting of refractory fibers and refractory grains.

This is lighter and more effective in heat insulation
than ordinary castable refractory and plastic refractory.
Used as lining material,
because of its good adhering property,
to the industrial heaters
where hard to install High Temperature Insulation Wool products.

  • ISOTAP can be installed easily and made into various shapes
    Suitable to daubing and tapping installation.
  • ISOTAP F-12A and F-14A are dry type and hydraulic setting materials.
    Mixed with water and becoming hard.
    like ordinary castable refractory in room temperature
  • They are lighter and better in heat insulation
    than ordinary castable refractories.
  • They have high strength.
    in spite of their major constituent of High Temperature Insulation Wool.
  •  ISOTAP has high volume stability at drying and heating.
  • The fibrous material contained in these products is
    exempt from the German Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS 905)

Typical Applications

  1. Skid pipe insulation of reheating furnace
  2. Hot air duct insulation
  3. Other general heat insulation


ISOTAP・DRY type F-12A F-14A
Max. Service Temperature(℃) 1200 1400
Bulk Density (kg/m³) After drying at 105℃ 910 1,110
after firing at Max.service.Temp. 890 1,000
Modulus of Rupture (MPa) After drying at 105℃ 0.7 0.6
after firing at Max.service.Temp. 1 0.8
Linear Shrinkage (%) after firing at Max.service.Temp. 0.8 0.4
Thermal Conductivity
JIS A1412-1
at 350℃ 0.22 0.28
Chemical Composition(%) SiO₂ 36 15
Al₂O₃ 45 79
Water rates recommended (%) 80~100 60~70
Quantity required (ton/m³) 0.89~0.92 0.86~1.00
Quantity per Bag(kg) 15
Packaging Paperbag


Data shown are typical values obtained in accordance with accepted test methods.
They are provided for your reference only and are subject to change without notice. 





Branch Office: Overseas Department,
Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyushu

Business hours: 9:00~17:15 tel+81-6-7711-5808

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